Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hello from Prague!

After a rush of last minute preparation in Baltimore, I'm finally here, living in the Czech Republic for the next four months (Jan 15-May 15)! Since general communication may be a little spotty (and I'm supposed to work instead of email all day, or so I hear...), I've set up this blog for posting pictures, descriptions of things I've done here, or random thoughts as I see fit. I've also set this blog up because... well, I'm a little bit nerdy. :-P

For those of you who don't know (and at the same time, care), I'm in Prague continuing my research from JHU's Center for Language and Speech Processing for a grant we have with ÚFAL, the Czech computational linguistics group here in Prague. The first two days here were full of meetings, but now things are settling down and falling into a routine.

I love Prague! I was here briefly once before, but this feels very different. I am thrilled with my apartment here (right in the middle of town). It's a 30-minute walk (tram is the same length), but through beautiful parts of town so I really enjoy it. Plus, that should help me work off the Pilsner beer belly that may come in the coming months. ;-)


susan said...

How cool! You're so adventurous! Can't wait to see photos and hear about life there! :-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're going to have a blast!! You know, if you would have given advanced warning...I could have tried to fit into one of your suitcases!! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes you really are a nerd! This is really cool though now we can keep in touch better with the wedding stuff since we're both always so busy and stuff... Love you sis! Sorry I missed your call the night you left, I was at work already for the night and didn't have on my phone. Anyways, love you, be good! (And don't drink the Pilsner beer, I hear it tastes nasty!)