Sunday, January 29, 2006

Czech Survival Guide: Laundry Time

So after a week of regular work and a second week of skiing long-distances (who knew how sweaty you could get in -25C temperatures?!), it was inevitable: time to figure out how the strange clothes-washing contraption in my bathroom works.

It's definitely a shame my camera still isn't working (give it a week); this is the oddest washing machine I've ever seen. Fortunately I got someone from the accommodations office to translate the Czech settings into broken English, but there are these strange three doors I must open to get the clothes in, and it's still unclear what exactly to do with the detergent, let alone fabric softener. The first load I was afraid to even include fab softnr, in case I ruined something. I let it run the full "white cotton" length of time, figuring it would run for a little more than the usual 30 minutes. It did: it ran for over 2 hours! And of course everything is a little crunchy now...

Load #2: Given a 2-hr runtime, I figured I could get some household shopping done in the meantime. I added clothes, detergent, and feeling adventurous, a little fab softnr into an unintelligibly marked opening. (I'd love to know how I'm supposed to "eyeball" ~38ml of softner, btw :-) ). When I returned with my groceries, about half the bathroom floor was covered in bubbles!! Not typically a good sign. Man, I feel like one of those pitiful guys in undergrad so confused they were willing to pay the girls upstairs to do their laundry for them! I was definitely one step from going door-to-door in my building repeating "Mluvite anglicky?" (Do you speak English?)

Load #3: Paranoid, I used less detergent and less fab softener this time, then left to spend an hour or so at work. No huge problems this time, but not much of the water drained out so clothes were soaking wet.

My apartment is now full of slightly wet clothing, btw. Good times!

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