Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The coatless, wanna-be pentalinguist

More of the cold and wet today. Made better, of course, by the fact that this morning I realized I'd left my coat (the night before) in the restaurant connected to my hotel. Which of course doesn't open til 10:30. (doh!) Oh well -- I had time to buy some local stuff I needed, like a sim card for my phone, and all worked out. Note: avoid this in the future.

I've memorized a grand total of about five German phrases so far and carry my little phrase book everywhere, but hopefully that will progress over the next few weeks. It's funny - whenever I try to think of how to say something small in German, the answer comes to me in broken Czech, or Spanish, or Arabic (and more often of course, just English) instead. It's like I'm in a competition to see how many languages I can learn to not really speak. :-) As it turns out, it's been much more difficult to find English speakers here than in central Prague so far, likely because in Germany the skill is less necessary. And somehow, oddly, Saarbrücken doesn't rank as a top German tourist stop!

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