Monday, May 22, 2006

Observations on U.S. life from an ex-expatriot :-)

I've been back in the U.S. for a week -- 2 days in NC, 1 day (12 hours!) driving to Baltimore, a weekend in Philly, and several days in Baltimore since. Being back is very strange -- I haven't been away long enough that much has actually changed, but yet things have. I feel like I've entered a time warp, cryogenically frozen for four months. No, too dramatic. I feel like someone switched the channel on me during a commercial break and forgot to switch it back, for just long enough that I have to stare at my original surroundings in confusion for a minute or two until I finally understand again how all of the characters and subplots are fitting together. Not a big shock, just a double take and a readjustment period til I'm all settled in again.

A few things I've noticed more than usual
  • Sitting in traffic S-U-C-K-S! Why is there no decent train system here?? :-)
  • Grabbing food on the run -- I've missed you much
  • Weather always seems better when I'm not there! Just as Prague was getting gorgeous I had to leave; just as I arrive in NC and Baltimore, the beautiful weather hides behind cold breezes and lots of clouds. :-/ Poo.
  • Just sitting in lab exhausts me as much here as it did there, but the daydream-inducing view out the window there was better.
  • I love driving through the mountains and cities full of green (that would be NC, not Baltimore, for those who don't know...)
  • Americans speak really loudly to each other on the streets -- especially as tourists, it seems, but even here at home
  • Gone for four months, but the main headlines never see to change: Iraq, Natalee Holloway, and the sniper trials.

I miss Prague, but am glad to be home, despite its quirks. :-)

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Last night in Prague

Departure time: Seven hours (leave for airport 4:15am, flight departs 7am)

Suitcases packed: ~75% done

These past few days have been full of goodbyes. My last day at my office in Malostranske Namesti. My last walk across the Charles Bridge and through the streets of Prague. My last drinks with American pals in Prague. My last dinner with co-workers. Tonight though, saying goodbye to my incredible Czech friends Pavel and Eliska, has definitely been the hardest, and for really the first time I'm feeling some of the loss soon to come.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Less than a week!

I fly far, far away from Prague in less than a week -- seriously, my time here has sped by much faster than I anticipated back in October when my advisor told me I had to come for four months. I'll be leaving Prague with mixed feelings. Not only is this an incredibly beautiful city with a rich people and history, but this really is the best time of the year to be here (and the weather through Sunday looks gorgeous!). On the other hand, returning to normal life of friends, boyfriend, and family will be really nice as well. Not to mention about 23432 weddings to attend over the course of the summer!

So, what will I do with my last week? Beyond work, I plan to spend the next few days going out with friends, finally catching a performance at the National Theater, packing and wrapping up loose ends, completing my rest of my ridiculous souvenier shopping list, and most of all, spending a lot of time walking around outdoors and loving Prague. :-)

Some cool things I've done in the past week:
  • Explored Prague views on Petrin Hill

  • Attended a campfire party with Czechs -- cooking sausages on a stick over a fire and singing songs with live guitar accompaniment was never so fun :-)

  • Skipped most of a day of work to finally explore Kutna Hora, an old silver mine town an hour or so outside of Prague

  • Spent an afternoon playing touch football (fun!) with a fun set of expats
  • Evening barbeque with friends

Monday, May 01, 2006

All about London

As usual, I'm way behind -- I'm sure I'll be writing about things I did and forgot to mention months after I return from Prague. :-)

Anyway, London... (trip taken April 20-23, photos here)

I was fortunate to be able to meet up with two friends and have another fantastic weekend with beautiful weather. :-) Happily I was also able to save money on hotels in the process! And a good thing too, because... good lord, London is expensive! Seriously, NYC didn't even compare. I just kept pretending that I was paying dollars instead of pounds for my own mental health (when in reality one pound is ~ $1.78.... wow, has that changed a lot...). My bank account caught on to the trick though.

But we'll forget that for now.

List of favorite London moments (not nec in order)
  1. Seeing the Producers at Covent Gardens in the London West End
  2. Catching up with Jeff Goodman and reminiscing about good old high school days :-)
  3. Jeff's whirlwind tour of London's sites
  4. Getting to wander London with my boyfriend's sister Sara -- first time we've really hung out alone, and as I expected we had a great time!
  5. Getting to ask my dumb tourist questions in English instead being limited to large arm gestures and repeated pleas of "Yes? Please? English?" in whatever language was appropriate at the time :-)
Paris was more beautiful than London, but London just felt more approachable and definitely more familiar. Plus, the London subway map didn't give me a headache.

London Underground

Paris Metro

Paris was a beautiful place to visit, but I think I could actually see myself living in London.

If I could afford it. :-)